caption id=attachment 6321 align=aligncenter width=3714<a href=httpwwwbrandonscottartcomwp contentuploadsthewindcrysmarybybrandonscott2jpg><img class=size full wp image 6321 src=httpwwwbrandonscottartcomwp contentuploadsthewindcrysmarybybrandonscott2jpg alt=Jimi Hendrix painting width=3714 height=4944 ><a> The Wind Cries Mary<br >By BRANDON SCOTT<br >30 by 40 inches<br >Gouache on Jimi Hendrixs sheet music over canvascaption
The Wind Cries Mary By BRANDON SCOTT (SOLD )
The Wind Cries Mary By BRANDON SCOTT 30 by 40 inches Gouache on Jimi Hendrixs sheet music over canvas
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caption id=attachment 6321 align=aligncenter width=3714<a href=httpwwwbrandonscottartcomwp contentuploadsthewindcrysmarybybrandonscott2jpg><img class=size full wp image 6321 src=httpwwwbrandonscottartcomwp contentuploadsthewindcrysmarybybrandonscott2jpg alt=Jimi Hendrix painting width=3714 height=4944 ><a> The Wind Cries Mary<br >By BRANDON SCOTT<br >30 by 40 inches<br >Gouache on Jimi Hendrixs sheet music over canvascaption
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